the Universe


In the PAX AURORA universe, there are 3 continents and 4 countries. From the North of Bréal to the extreme South of Tomée, there are 2000 kilometers. The prevalent mean of transportation is hydrobus. Hydrobuses sail on oceans and rivers.


The story begins in September 1926. Years will keep passing by during the following events. The technology is approximately the same as the one of the real world at the same time.


The Vénéfices. Jules, Lila and their friends are desperately looking for them. The Vénéfices are ancestral rings that are told to possess the power to make one’s craziest wish come true. It is known that five of them exist and they are hidden all around the world. But what are they really ? Who made them ? Who hid them ? Why didn’t anyone find them yet ? What terrible dark secret do they hold ?


There is only one religion in the PAX AURORA universe : the Terre-Motherian religion. This monotheist religion venerates the titaness called Këphalis, ‘’the Terre-Mother’’, whom is told to have created the human species at the dawn of the world (year zero).

The places in PAX AURORA :

The protagonists’ home

The Cochon Goulu

The Pylore library

The OUGGAR family house

The d’ESQUINTOUR manor

The ruins of Eïdolon

The Oddi HQ

The deBRABAND palace

don’t miss the first volume !

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