the cochon goulu


Aude runs a pub with her father, the Gluttonous Cochon, located right next to the Pylore library. The protagonists often come to relax to the Gluttonous Cochon after their long days of research in the library. This is how they became friends with Aude.

She is an enthusiastic and upright girl, very attached to moral principles. She keeps up with her friends’ adventure with amusement. Aude’s impressive stature is from her mother’s side.


Simon is Aude’s father. He is a nice man who always has good advice. He keeps up with the protagonists’ adventure from afar, with fatherly benevolence. He has a very fusional relationship with his daughter. Simon is a great romantic, he is crazy in love with his wife.

Marianne desCHÊNES

To be discovered in volume 9.

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